In May 2021, Abiding Savior gave $100 to nineteen different individuals, couples, or families and told them to give away the money however they chose. All we asked in return was that they share with us their story of sharing. This publication is filled with those stories of generosity. These nineteen gifts have gone to individuals, organizations, schools, an animal hospital, food shelves and feeding ministries, families in need, helping local children, and many other places.
Through these gifts, the reach of God’s work done in and through Abiding Savior has multiplied! Not only are we helping more people in need, but this Sharing to Make a Difference project has generated even more generosity. When the project was first announced, a family in our congregation immediately stepped forward and made a donation so we could double the number of $100 gifts given away. Many of those asked to share the $100 matched that gift with their own generosity. Some coupled their $100 gift with an act of kindness through volunteering or just being present. Through this project, hundreds of lives were changed for the better whether through the receipt of the gift or the act of giving itself.
You are invited to read through the pages of this publication to experience these stories of sharing. Hopefully, they will inspire you toward generosity, especially generosity toward the work of God done in and through Abiding Savior and other organizations. Sharing generously not only helps others, but sharing also fills us with a joy that can never be found by keeping for ourselves.