Adult Christian Ed Opportunity | The Holy Spirit: Getting to Know that Wild, Comforting, Inspiring, Unpredictable Third Member of the Trinity
Wednesdays, April 10 – May 1 | 5:30 to 6:30 In the Coffeehouse | Led by Pastor Marla
Each time we say the Apostle’s Creed we say we believe in the Holy Spirit. But just what do believe about the Holy Spirit? Who is the Holy Spirit? Jesus said that it was better that he leave so that the Spirit could come, but wasn’t the Spirit there from the time of creation? Jesus promised to send us the Comforter and Advocate, but that wild Spirit that came with a rush of a violent wind and rested on the disciples’ heads as tongues of fire doesn’t sound very comforting! What does the Bible have to say about the Holy Spirit? What does the Lutheran Church have to say about the Holy Spirit? Some churches seem to have more focus on the Holy Spirit – what do Lutherans believe about the Holy Spirit? How does the Holy Spirit affect our lives individually and as a Christian community? What is the Spirit’s role in our faith and prayer life? What are spiritual gifts? How can we recognize the Spirit at work, or can we? We’ll delve into these questions and more as we do a deep dive into the Holy Spirit. Come with your questions, curiosity and eagerness to learn more.